24 June 2005

Other Names I Considered

Can one write a blog about nothing except the name of the blog? Would that be pretentious?

I briefly considered the name of a band in a story I wrote "Thesaurus Rex". Their albums were "In Other Words", "Words for Other Words", "Out of this Word", etc. I liked the idea because I am fascinated by words and their origins (a fun site is www.wordorigins.org; warning: some words for mature audiences only), but I rejected it as no one has ever read the story and using the word "Rex" in a blog title seemed pretentious.

I seriously waffled on a name that would tie together two significant influences on my boyhood, Lego Bricks and Toys and music from TV shows/commericals: "Le'go My Ego". Beside the possibilty of legal action by the fine people at Lego Brand Lego Bricks and Toys, I wasn't confident that many people would recognize the reference to the "leggo my Eggo" Brand Waffle commercials and, again, using the word "Ego" in a blog title seemed pretentious.

"SplitcatOnline" sounded good until I realized that it sounded like some kind of anti-PETA blog, and some might consider the use of my blog name in my blog title pretentious.

I am fairly certain that publishing a blog is itself a pretentious act so I am not sure what I was so worried about.

An amendment to yesterday's post: agogblog.blogspot was claimed in 2004 by a one time blogger, and blogagog.com has been domain squatted (is that the right term?). I thought it was too good to be unclaimed.


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