10 April 2006


My 11th graders are starting To Kill a Mockingbird this week. Let me begin again. My 11th graders are beginning to study the Harper Lee novel entitled To Kill a Mockingbird this week. Today, as I explained the context of the book, I unknowingly said, "In 1929 the Crash Market Stocked." Only one student noticed. That kinda hurts.


1 comment:

Scott said...

Don't be too hard on yourself. Most likely, they knew what you meant.

I got an email once that had a paragraph from a news article in it. You were to read through it once before reading the next line, etc.

Anyway, the "next line" said that the words in the article were internally mixed. For example, "Letter News" became "Lteter Nwes", and so on. Every word was like that, only you didn't notice it on the read through.

The point was that, apparently, the brain looks for all the right things, and if they are there in some fashion, then the brain says "Ok," and moves on. The first and last letter need to be in the right place, and all the letters need to be there, but the internal order didn't matter.

It was kind of neat, and probably explains why Crash Market Stocked made perfect sense. They're all good, big-picture-type folks who'll do just fine in real life.

So what you really ought to do is smack that one kid. He'll probably end up as a UNIX sysadmin otherwise.