16 October 2006

Monday Miscellany: Homecoming

I have a lot to say, but not enough time to say it, so I will keep it short.

Earlier this summer I was worried about how my son would adjust to having to go to Kindergarten for the first time, get two new brothers, and have his dad go back to work all within the space of a single week. I was worried about the wrong child. My daughter has not adjusted well to the changes. She has been overtly rebellious and is draining what is left of her mother's enengy right out of her. She must be quite lonely.

My wife bought herself Lego Star Wars II for the PS2. It is a very fine game.

Last week was Homecoming. I took the boy and girl to the football game (the entire family got in free). They lasted through the first half. They both profess to wanting to go again. Football is hard to explain to a five year old. He figured out on his own that they went into the huddle to make a plan. He was most impressed when the cheerleaders did a stunt, "Cool, I didn't know they could do that!" He also liked the punts because the ball went really high.

I got my first search result for "Striplings Butt Rub". It took the searcher here. My site came up first on the list. I don't know whether to be pleased or queasy. The good news is that it was probably the only seach to my site that may have gotten information useful to the searcher.


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