20 August 2006

Meet First Born Twin (Twin A)

The twins are beginning to show their two distinct personalities. Twin A, the first born twin, was in line to be Twin B up until about two weeks before delivery when he decided that he just couldn't wait around for his brother to get things started so he pushed his brother aside and became Twin A.

Twin A:
Is the smaller of the two
Can be a bit fussy
Is awake and alert more often than his brother
Has darker hair than his brother
Has a long, thin face
Keeps trying to get his hand in his mouth
Has peed on everyone who has changed him
Likes to pull in his lower lip
Pooped once before I fed him, once during feeding, and once as soon as he was done; he can poop three times in one hour while his brother might do it three times in a day
Has pooped on everyone who has changed him
Causes his father to fall asleep every time he holds him for longer than five minutes
Can make it three hours between feedings

Here he is this afternoon:

W3 Day5


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