26 August 2006

When the World is Normal Again: Apologetics According to a Five Year Old

It was the day after we came back from the hospital with the twin boys and my five year old boy was ready to test his father's orthodoxy. We were talking about mosquitoes and their feeding habits.

Boy: Does grandma W like mosquitoes?
Dad: No, no one likes mosquitoes. (note: avoid universal statements when talking to the boy)
Boy: What about Jesus?
Dad: Ummm...
Boy: He made them. Doesn't He love them?
Dad: Well...Yes....
Boy: Why did He make mosquitoes that hurt humans?
Dad: Okay. (At this point my befuddlement is giving way to pride. My boy has asked a fundamental question of theology). Originally, mosquitoes didn't harm people. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, sin and death entered the world and things changed. Then things could hurt humans. One day, God will make the world new like it was. (Or I said something like this).
Boy: Oh. So one day mosquitoes won't hurt humans?
Dad: Right.
Boy: Then the world will be normal?
Dad: Yeah.

Now he likes to ask me about when the world will be normal again. It is good to be reminded of it.


A couple of recent pictures of Twin B:



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