30 September 2006

Key to Good Teaching: Variety

I had to go to a three-hour class this morning on the Christian philosophy of education. The class was delivered on videotape. The instructor was an esteemed professor of education. The content was quite good. The presentation left something to be desired. The professor elected to deliver his information sitting in a comfy chair next to a roaring fire. He then spent the next three hours making a number of points about education. One of his points was that Jesus taught using a variety of educational styles and that we should do likewise. So we should do as you say, not as you do? Sure he was on video, but couldn't he at least stand up?

I have noticed the same flaw in nearly every educational specialist who has ever lectured me about how to teach. They literally lecture. Their lecture advises us not to lecture as a primary means of instruction. So then, why do they lecture?


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