17 September 2006

Monday Miscellany: Goose Poop, the Pope, and Goose Steps

The boy came home from kindergarten on Monday (September 11) and said that another boy had thrown goose poop at him on the playground. He was not particularly upset about it, we didn't make a bid deal about it, and I don't think he was scarred by the incident. This is just another one of the many incidents in a child's life that forces a parent to decide just what pearls of wisdom to impart to their child.

Should we advocate a liberal law-and-order approach and tell him to tell the teacher and rely upon her judgment? Sure, this won't prevent future acts of poopism, but should result in the guilty party being punished or at least receiving a firm talking to by the teacher. Should we adopt a neo-con worldview and preempt the threat by removing the poop and all geese that harbor poop? This will prevent future attacks, but runs the risk of all-out war with the over one billion geese in the world. Would a more green approach (where the playground is destroyed to create a natural goose habitat where humans cannot go) be the answer? Should we count upon a libertarian plan to create our own playground that will be free from meddling outsiders? Or a more paleo-con plan to make an anti-poop shield (PDI) that will protect our son, but will leave the poop-throwers of the world free to throw all the poop they wish? Perhaps I should become an extreme leftist and blame the teacher, compare the principal to Hitler, and wonder what my boy did to deserve a poop-painting.

The world is a scary place. There are those that throw more than poop.

From poop to Pope...Is it strange to anyone else that Muslim groups compare the Pope to Hitler and attack the pope for quoting someone that claimed that Islam spread through violence (a historical fact, btw) and go on to claim that comments that suggest Islam is violent may lead to war? The argument goes something like this: You shouldn't say that Muslims are violent. Muslims are not violent. Saying that they are violent might lead to violence. Whaaaaa? I know that the majority of Muslims are peaceful and even peace loving, but those that are must stop serving as apologists for Islamic rage and address the truly violent elements that are tolerated and sometimes encouraged among them. These elements are tolerated, I believe, because a strong Muslim majority harbors a deep hatred of the West, Jews, and the United States.

The goose-stepping of politicians of all sides continues as all sides compare everyone else to Nazis, Hitler, and fascism. It ends all debate.

Rosie O'Donnell compared Radical Christianity and Radical Islam on the View this week. Many on the Right saw this as evidence of the Left's severe case of moral relativism. Pershaps, but just as Muslims must begin dealing with the cancer within their religion, so must Christians. Timothy McVeigh, the KKK, the IRA, and Eric Rudolph all follow[ed] what they see as pure Christianity. Rosie wasn’t quite right, but there was an element of truth to what she said even though she didn't quite mean it that way. I am sure she meant people like George W. Bush, Pat Robertson, and any Christian who vote Republican.

The days of my wife have degenerated into a simple pattern: change diaper, feed baby, repeat. You can pray for her.

Here is what happened when we tried to take a photo of all four of our children together for the first time:

Quit yer cryin'


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