30 September 2006

Search Engine Wars II

When one posts an item to the internet, one can never be entirely sure who will drop by nor why they will be drawn to any particular posting. My webcounter, supplied for free by the good people at Statcounter (not that I am special to them--they provide the free service to anyone), can occassionally give me insight into the mind of those who come to my site. Whenever someone comes to my blog as the result of a Google or Yahoo type search, Statcounter tells me what words or phrase for which they were searching. The results can be funny, amusing, or deeply disturbing.

I have previously documented some of these searches in a disturbing December post. After that post, my blog seemed to disappear from the Google and Yahoo listings. Maybe word got out that I publicly report search results. Maybe no one found my blog helpful when "I think my husband is gay." About three weeks ago, people started returning to my blog from Google search results (I still haven't gotten any from Yahoo in a long time). Here are the last four:

Google search for
"cathy fail" that lead here. "Cathy fail"??? Hmmm. The end of the original post says prophetically, "This post should lead to some interesting search results."

Google search for
life is too short to clean your own house that lead here. This one came from the Bronx. My first ever hit from the Bronx. How cool is that?

Google search for (this one came from Spain)
monologue of the poem muliebrity that lead here. Did someone else also write a bitter poem titled "Muliebrity?"

If you still believe that mankind is basically good and that children are all "good kids" here is a disturbing Google search for
"human meat" kids that lead, sadly, to my blog here (this post was titled "Rib Ranch: I'll have a half-rack of human" so I guess I deserve it).

On a side note, my wife's blog is soon going to pass me in hit counts (Currently, she has 3,889 hits and I have 3,997 hits). She will pass me in about two weeks. If you don't mind hitting the "refresh" button on your web browser a few times to give me a few more hits so that I can keep ahead of her, I wouldn't mind. I have a very fragile ego. Hopefully, she is too tired to actually read to the end of my post (if you do DW, I am just kidding--ha, ha). I know she posts more often and with more consistent quality, but I do try to make up for my lack of posts with obnoxious opinion pieces.

My senate sim went well, I will post later with some of the details (truthfully, by "later", I mean "probably never").


Update: I think I fixed the links.


Scott said...

Sorry. I usually read both yours and hers at the same time. No help here.

Anonymous said...

I read yours and hers and 4boydad's at the same time. Daily. It is a necessity for survival. Like air and food and water. If it will inspire you to write even more, I will gladly click on yours several extra times a day....

Anonymous said...

I wish I could get search engine feedback. It sounds like a lot of entertainment. Being secure has its drawbacks. But I do get to post pictures of my kids more with only slight fear. ...the canadian again

Splitcat Chintzibobs said...

My nefarious plan is failing. My wife is within 100 hits now. Alas.