05 September 2005

Monday Miscellany

Wednesday night at dinner, my son told me that he wants to be a teacher like me and help me out at my school where he can use my markers. After that he aspires to be a T-Rex.

My son has a very small mole on his thumb. He thinks about it alot. For a long time he was convinced that it was a boo-boo. The other day in the car he came to a conclusion: "The mole on my thumb is a boo-boo mole because a real mole is an animole."

Last week, I kept waiting for someone to refer to the "New Orleans Insurgency" and suggest that we pull out of the quagmire. I began to write a mock story concerning it, but concluded it was too crass. Here was the beginning: "Forces of the US military are moving into the devastated city amid signs of growing lawlessness and looting. Critics of the administration claim that not enough thought was given to winning the cleanup. Representatives of so-called "looters" and "car-jackers" have requested that they be referred to as "insurgents", "revolutionaries" or "freedom fighters. A Kennedy said, 'At the very least, we need an exit strategy or we will risk bogging down like we did in Vietnam'. The Bush administration claims that the problems have been caused by troublemakers moving in from Alabama and Arkansas."

My son has a bad cold. Saturday night it gave him a headache. He thinks that ice cream is somehow connected. You see, eating ice cream, which is very cold, can give you brain-freeze (a painful headache). So "cold" gives you a headache. He knows that soup (which is hot) is usually given for a cold. The hot negates the cold and creates warm.



fiorinda said...

the logic of that little four year old brain is frightening sometimes, escpecially to his logically challenged mother

Anonymous said...

I think you have a brillant child.
His Grandmother