14 December 2005

Encounters with Santa, Part One

Popular wisdom suggests that couples should discuss their expectations of family size before considering marriage. It is good advice. The popular wisdom, as usual, does not go quite far enough. Couples should also discuss approaches to child-rearing in as much detail as possible. Granted, pre-child wisdom about child-rearing goes right out the window as soon as your son bites your daughter hard enough to make a impression deep enough for the creation of a legally admissible plaster cast. Everything changes when you actually have children. If you have children then you know what I am talking about. If you don't have children then you think you know what I am talking about.

In particular, a couple should discuss Santa. My wife and I knew from before marriage that we disagreed on the subject but avoided examining the subject like one avoids looking at the crumb on the cheek of one's boss at a formal affair. My wife was raised to believe that belief in Santa was akin to Satan worship. I mean, one only has to move a few letters... Like a wolf in a fat man's clothing. I might be exaggerating a bit. Meanwhile, I was raised to believe that he was a supernaturally gifted man who delivered wonderful things to all the children of the world on Christmas day.

We were forced to address the issue when our boy was born almost five years ago. So we talked of other things, his eyes, his hands, his poop, and moved on. We have talked of other things in the almost five years since. In unspoken agreement, we have left the issue in a kind of salutary neglect. We have actively taught our children neither one thing nor the other. Family, friends, movies, TV, and school have done the rest. The result is that my boy is a believer, though not a devout one.

Yesterday, he came home late from a long day out. We never know what he will say when he is in an over tired state (last year he seemed to hearing voices in the wall). He told me that last year he had met Santa Claus. I, surprised at the revelation, asked him when and where such an event had occurred. He lacked details and ended with "Is that funny?" My wife and I did not discuss the conversation. I doubt that we will.


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