05 December 2005

Monday Miscellany: Bleeding Noses

On Saturday morning, my son woke us up crying from the hallway. He had awoken with a nose bleed, a common occurance for him in the winter. Later, I tried to teach him (again) how to blow his nose. He tried it and inhaled for so long that I thought he was going to pass out. He claimed that he was doing it. Then he went on to explain to me that one nostril is for breathing in and one is for breathing out. That is why we have two.

Tonight, just after his great aunt, Grandma J, and Grandad P left, he walked into a doorknob and began profusely bleeding from his right nostril. We don't think that it is broken. He always bleeds from his right nostril. I don't know if that is significant or not. I only cry from my right eye. Can you be right-eyed or right-nostriled like being right-handed?

My wife of ten years has cleaned up a lot of blood lately.

My wife informs me that my son asked her if Star Wars was real. Later, when she offered to let him watch Star Wars IV, he refused and said that he had to watch it with his daddy.

I previously commented on the use of "previously owned", "pre-owned", and "previously new" to describe used cars. I heard a new one on the radio the other day: "previously enjoyed". Brilliant!

The AJC (Atlanta Journal Constitution) is our one major newspaper. In general it is a generally poor affair (last month I read an article reporting on the large number of metro Atlanta students choosing to attend Georgia Southern University that claimed that GSU sits among rolling green hills!). That being said, they have done an above average job at integrating blogs into their online news. One that is particularly interesting (at least some times) is their education blog. Go here. It might require registration (I did say that the paper is generally poor).

Good news from Afghanistan! Al-Qaida #3 killed. From the article it is not clear how he was killed. That being said, I think we did it.



Anonymous said...

Regarding a certain ... uh "Chapter Tres" of a certain ... uh "Space Fight" movie series, I may have gotten hold of an edited version that drastically tones down the gore and most of the scariness. Certainly to a PG level.

OPFC (Over-Parented First Child/ren) may need to be about 6 or so to watch it. LSSC (Less Sensetive Subsequent Child/ren) can probably watch it at 3 or 4.

Suffice it to say that all of .. um someone elses' 4 boys *may* have watched it already. More than 10 times.

You know how to get in touch with me.

Splitcat Chintzibobs said...

You have a Star Trek III "Search for Spock" that edits out Shatner's ego and Spock's pon farr with Lt. Saavik?! I gotta see that! Actually, I would be interesting in seeing your edit. How can their be a conclusion without knowing what happens to say, um, Limb-less Haynakin?

Splitcat Chintzibobs said...

Just so no one thinks I am a complete nerd (like that could happen), I did have to look up the spelling of "pon farr".

Anonymous said...

Well, the "Nooooooooooooo!" is intact.

Honestly, the edit is surprisingly well done.