07 February 2006

First Things First

One of my favorite magazines is First Things. Its writing is usually over my head and its pricing is generally beyond my wallet, but I enjoy it nonetheless. Last year, a kind set of parents participating in a "secret angels" program at our school gave me a one year subscription. Recently, I have been receiving reminders to renew every few days. I believe that the last one claimed that for every day I waited to renew, I would have to spend another day in Purgatory, because a day without First Things is like a day in Purgatory. February was, I believe to have been my last issue. I was looking at a long time in Purgatory.

Yesterday, I received the following note in my e-mail:

Mr. Chintzibobs,
We would like to know if you are still interested in the First Things
magazine that we gave you last year as your secret angel. It is time to
renew and we would like to do that for you if you still want the
magazine. We wish we could have gotten the teacher's angels program
going this year but we didn't get enough parents to participate.
Just let us know,

A couple of swell parents
[names changed to protect everyone involved]

Some days are better than others.

Last December, I talked our librarian into subscribing to Military History Quarterly rather than Christian History. I think it was a good trade but I felt like a bad Christian until I found out that my First Things subscription was renewed.

Oh, I made up the part about Purgatory.


1 comment:

Scott said...

Congratulations. I miss my subscription terribly (even if I never could get one read before the next one arrived).