12 July 2006

Burning Porcupines

I am at an AP European History all week at Oglethorpe. In case you missed it, an anonymous commenter claiming to be Raymond V. Fretchild responded to my post For Shame, Raymond V. Fretchild. Read the second comment carefully. I will be dissecting it later in the week.

While in my class for teachers I heard two interesting expressions that I had never heard before. One came from a young lady of Cajun descent and fiery disposition. In response to an unpleasant activity, she exclaimed, "I would rather give birth to a flaming porcupine." The other comment came from a very young teacher who said that while she didn't mind using the word "s*cks" around us, she said "Sips" around her students. Yes, much more delicate.

More later in the week. 8:00-4:00 classes and the drive to and fro have left me drained (I was almost in a wreck both coming and going today).

Oh yeah. Another thing I heard for the first time this week (though it has been going around for a very long time according to my source): In heaven, the English are the policemen, the French are the cooks, the Germans are the engineers, the Italians are the lovers, and the Swiss organize everything. In hell, the English are the cooks, the French are the engineers, the Germans are the policemen, the Italians organize everything, and the Swiss are the lovers. Offensive or true? Or both?


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