18 July 2006

One of these things is not like the other...

I have been trying to keep up with the news lately. Here is a snippet from the homepage of CNN.com from just moments ago.

Note the list of top stories and see if you notice any themes.
Story one: "Deadly"
Story two: "Depression"
Story three: "Perish"
Story four: "Murder"
Story five: "Bush" (ie something just as bad as the above; see story six)
Story six: "The cussing, spitting, open-mouth chewing Bush" (can a major news organization use that as a lead or has some deep thinker from DailyKos hacked the site?)
Story seven: "Jerry Springer"
Story eight: "Kill"
Story nine: "Killer"
Story ten: "Brad Pitt says fatherhood is 'true joy'"

Five of ten stories involve death.
One of ten stories involves impending death (tropical depression).
Two of ten stories involve something President Bush did wrong (one with video to prove it).
Two of ten stories involve icons of pop culture.

At the bottom of this list is a link with a promise to "Laugh your way through lunch". I guess you kind of need it after all that killing, scandal, cussing, spitting, and Pitting.

Is this really what people want from news? Is this who we are: obsessed with violence, destruction, crass behavior, shallow pop culture, and the wanton disrespect of figures of authority?


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