22 October 2005

I Got a New Car for My Birthday! Pics!

Thursday was my birthday. A large group of seniors (twenty or so) came into my classroom at lunch and serenaded me with a very loud version of "Happy Birthday". This was very kind of them considering they are no longer my students. I miss that group.

A couple of freshmen actually went out to Target and got me a new hall/bathroom pass. In order to understand the significance of this gift, a bit of background is probably necessary. Last year I found a model of a P-38 World War II warplane at Big Lots. I bought it, unsure of what I could use if for. Ultimately, I decided to utilize it as a hall/bathroom pass. It was very popular with the students and had the unexpected affect of increasing bathroom requests. Other teachers quickly emulated my examples, and slide-rules, softballs, and other items became part of our school's hall pass tradition.

Here's the original. You can see significant battle damage: both props damaged, tail wing destroyed, right wing clipped, landing gear missing. As far as I know, a, um, water landing has never been necessary.

Later in the year, the plane found a friend. It just appeared one day in my class and became quite the school mystery for a week. The writing on both passes is identical, but I knew that I did not write anything on the Barbie car!

Look closely. My original writing is on the tape on the plane. The forgery is on the tape on the Barbie car. Can you tell a difference? No doubt, here was the work of a master forger.

Eventually, one of our talented art students confessed to the forgery, and I adopted the Barbie car as one of two choices students could take to the hall or bathroom. The Barbie pass has been surprisingly popular with the male students.

My freshmen decided it was time to upgrade my ride and got me this:

The Barbie car has been retired. Now I am a Groovy Girl! The joys of teaching know no bounds.


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